Helpful Gas Conservation Tips for Motorists It is apparent that fuel and gas prices are going up and while many are hoping for a change in trend, car owners all over the world would be wise to take alternative measures. Among them is to try and save on gas as much as you can and here are some tips that you can try out to survive these economic debacle and go on with your lives. Lighten up . Clever Dude points out that driving around a 40-pound bag of soil for three weeks is the equivalent of shuttling an extra (little) passenger, which requires more fuel. Carpool . Hitching a ride with neighbors or coworkers lets you make new friends while you conserve energy. Comparison shop . It works as well with gas as it does with shoes. Get sleeker . Roll up your windows and remove that luggage rack and you’ll improve your aerodynamics, suggests a blogger at Open Travel Info. Reward yourself . If you’re forced to pay big bucks at the pump, at least collect any available rebates. Gas rewards cards...
A blog by Matava - Fiji's Premier Eco Resort about organic farming and gardening as practiced at the resort on the tropical island of Kadavu, Fiji Islands to supply the entire resort operation.