For those who are working toward *getting green*, solutions often boil down to "moderation". One pet per person in your household is ideal. That way the person doesn't become overwhelmed by having to care for too many animals, and the pet is living in a healthier, more caring environment. As pet-owners, we love everything about our pets. Well, *almost* everything. There is the issue of what to do with their poop! There are now several biodegradable kitty litters available made from corn/wheat/pine flakes or recycled paper. The clumping varieties clump just as well as clay and are better for the environment. For dogs, whether you're walking him in public areas, or just letting him "do his business" in your yard, it is highly recommended to pick up the poop and dispose of it properly. There are several environment-friendly ways of disposing of your pet's waste products: 1. Put it in the Garbage This is the *preferred* method in most area...
A blog by Matava - Fiji's Premier Eco Resort about organic farming and gardening as practiced at the resort on the tropical island of Kadavu, Fiji Islands to supply the entire resort operation.