Food and nutrition security is becoming a threat in Fiji due to impacts of climate change and frequent natural disasters. Soaring food prices are emerging, and are affecting our households especially the already vulnerable and disadvantaged in our communities. Fiji is making a stand to prepare for the ill-effects of climate change and natural disasters and ensure that our families and communities are resilient, and are food and nutrition secure. The Grow your Own Food Booklet is intended to provide avid gardeners, families and communities simple and practical ways on establishing home food gardens, useful gardening techniques, and organic practic- es. It details caring for your garden and growing fresh vegetables, fruits and starchy staples for household consumption. All you need to know about growing fresh crops is available on the Grow your Own Food Booklet. Follow the simple tips and ways of keeping garden crops healthy. The Booklet also provides a technique for container gardening....
A blog by Matava - Fiji's Premier Eco Resort about organic farming and gardening as practiced at the resort on the tropical island of Kadavu, Fiji Islands to supply the entire resort operation.