Foundation for Rural Integrated Enterprises & Development (FRIEND) The Foundation for Rural Integrated Enterprises & Development (FRIEND) is a homegrown community development Organisation headquartered in Lautoka on the west coast of Fiji’s main island, Viti Levu. The hallmark of FRIEND’s work is the integrated approach it brings into community development, working with communities in rural and under-served regions around Fiji. Through its integrated social, health and economic interventions, FRIEND empowers communities through knowledge, skills and resources to improve their lives and break out of poverty. With the support of donor partners and through its own funding, FRIEND engages Communities in Programs focussed on Good Governance, Sustainable Livelihoods, Disaster Preparedness and Healthy Living, targeting women, youths, marginalised and men in each community we work in for sustainable development. Food Systems and Health Our GROW (Agriculture) program is about...
A blog by Matava - Fiji's Premier Eco Resort about organic farming and gardening as practiced at the resort on the tropical island of Kadavu, Fiji Islands to supply the entire resort operation.