Well it is in my veggie patch
I lifted the shallots the other day and now I have got a space for something else. I was very impressed how many I got from the bulbs I put in at the end of Spring. Each bulb produced 5-6 new shallots, so as you can see I have plenty.
They have been one of the more successful veggies I have grown this year and I have learnt even more so come next year it will be even better. One of the mistakes I have made was putting in Sprouts and Turnips into such a small bed.
They have taken far to much room up and I wont be doing them next year. I have red onions and leeks doing very nicely as well and strawberry plants are around the edge. I have also become a surrogate tomato grower, as one of my neighbours daughter's doesn't have any space so I am looking after it. I have to say though with all this rain and cloudy days I don't think it will do very well as we will probably run out of sun before any of the tomatoes ripen.
I also had very green fingers yesterday as I squished all of the cabbage white caterpillars that had decided to munch through the sprout and turnip leaves. It does give me a bit of a dilemma though, as I spend lots of my time encouraging butterflies and here I am squishing them.They have been one of the more successful veggies I have grown this year and I have learnt even more so come next year it will be even better. One of the mistakes I have made was putting in Sprouts and Turnips into such a small bed.
They have taken far to much room up and I wont be doing them next year. I have red onions and leeks doing very nicely as well and strawberry plants are around the edge. I have also become a surrogate tomato grower, as one of my neighbours daughter's doesn't have any space so I am looking after it. I have to say though with all this rain and cloudy days I don't think it will do very well as we will probably run out of sun before any of the tomatoes ripen.
The Green Fingered Photographer
Sometimes it is possible to leave food crops for the insects but this can be difficult in a small plot.
Your home grown vegetables seem to be thriving now I'm sure you will have a bumper crop next season.